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14-Nov-2012 [16]
• Organize a special Topic to provide material for the home page
Part of
The home page is not edited directly. Instead, home page content is transferred to the home page by the system from a special Home Page Topic record (which is registered in the system properties table as HomePageMasterNode). In the newly installed Muster Wiki the Webmaster can find a default Home Page Topic record in "my inbox" as "Home Page Master". This Home Page Topic record can also be found in the topics directory.
Content is placed on the home page from this Home Page Topic in two sections:
The top section of the home page comes from the Home Page Topic's Cover Page field. Basically the "Cover Page" of the Home Page Topic is transferred to the top of the home page.
The next home page section - tabs - is created from the Contents list of the Home Page Topic. Each Contents list item makes a tab on the Home page. For each tab created on the home page from such a list item, display content is derived as follows:
The order of the home page tabs can be set by setting the order of the Home Page Topic content list (in the Contents tab in Admin view).
So to change the home page content, edit the Home Page Topic record and contents. This can be done by Editors, Administrators, Governors, or Webmasters of the system.
Sidebars are considered static in Muster Wiki, and can only be modified by direct edit of files on the server (by the Webmaster, presumably).
Edit application/config/basecontroller.php
, and change the following properties of the "dictionary" sub-array:
property | format | notes |
contact | email address, format | appears in the "Contact:" section of the right sidebar |
domaintitle | Short name of website | appears in the browser tab as a prefix to the page name |
headertitle | Longer name of website | appears in the header title of every page |
These entries are merged with the system basecontroller config file.
This section is intended to list internal links to website pages.
To see the defaults, view but do not edit:
and observe the entries in the "website" sub-array of the "dictionary" sub-array of the file.
To change the website links, open for edit:
and change entries in the "website" sub-array of the "dictionary" sub-array of the file. Entries in this file take precedence over entries in the default file.
To suppress a default entry, add an entry to the "website" sub-array with an identical index and a NULL
value, like this:
'help' => NULL,
To add a link to the list, add an entry to the "website" sub-array with this format:
//'index' => array('text'=>'<text>','link'=>'<link>'),
like this:
'disclaimer' => array('text'=>'disclaimer','link'=>'pages/disclaimer'),
The example entry would require an information page with a Code of "disclaimer". See Creating and Maintaining Content, under Information Pages for instructions.
These entries are merged with the system basecontroller config file.
The Subsites section of the right sidebar lists the main native subsites of the website.
To suppress the Subsites section of the right sidebar altogether, open for edit:
and add the following entry in the "dictionary" sub-array of the file:
This entry is merged with the system basecontroller config file.
To modify the Subsites section of the sidebar, copy this file:
... to this file:
The latter copied file takes precedence. Edit the copied file's HTML markup as required.
The links for members appears after the log-in or logged-in member part under the Members section of the right sidebar, and is intended for member information or services.
To change the contents of this section, copy this file:
... to this file:
The latter copied file takes precedence. Edit the copied file's HTML markup as required. For example you could add a link to a common forum for member discussions.
The home page left and right sidebars appear after the native content of these sidebars.
To add content to the left or right home page sidebars, edit one or both of these files:
Add HTML markup to these files as required.
Universal sidebars appear at the bottom of the left and right sidebars of every (non-system) web page of the website.
To add content to the left or right universal sidebars, create and edit one or both of these files:
Add HTML markup to these files as required.
To suppress the HTML markup of these sidebars on the home page, bracket the HTML markup with the following template markup:
means NOT is_homepage
The footer appears at the bottom of every page.
To change the contents of the footer, copy this file:
... to this file:
The latter copied file takes precedence. Edit the copied file's HTML markup as required.
Analytics code such as Google Analytics is not a sidebar, but is a common template modification.
To add Analytics code to every content page, edit this file:
Copy the analytic engine's provided HTML markup into this file as required. To suppress firing of the analytics code when users are in admin mode (modifying settings or editing content), then bracket the HTML markup with the following template markup:
means NOT is_adminmode