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Creating and Maintaining Content

14-Nov-2012 [17]

• Create a record; fill in the fields

Part of Documentation


To create content in Muster Wiki, create a record, and then fill in the fields.

Note that all records are assigned a unique record number by the system. This record number appears (almost universally) somewhere close to the record title, whether in listings, or in full page display. The record number is used to assign records to folders, topics, attachments etc. See Organizing Content.

Also, when logged in, there's a one-character code beside the record number that indicates status: A=approved, D=draft, X=approval declined, R=approval requested.

Record Types

There are ten types of content records, and each type has its own list:

To create a record, go to the list for the record type you want to create, where you'll find an "Add a recordtype" button near the bottom of the left sidebar. (Exception: to create a blog post, go to your blog, then go to the blog postings list for that specific blog where you'll find an "Add a blog post" button in the left sidebar).

If you don't see an "Add a recordtype" button, that's because you don't have permissions to create that type of record there.

Push the "Add a recordtype" button, and that will open up a blank record. Click on "toggle input options" near the top to see all available input fields.

Input Fields

Most input fields are common to all record types, but some record types have one or more unique input fields. Use the following table as a guide. Uncommon fields are shaded.

All fields take plain readable text (or the correct datatype such as date or number) as input, except the wiki markup fields (only one of these fields per record) variously called Body (for documents, blog posts, or document extracts), Cover Page (for topics or folders), About (for blog records), or Commentary (for pictures, document files, external links, or widgets). See Mastering Muster Markup for details.

Most of the time you can create a record just by filling in the Title (since a default value - current date - is automatically added by default to the other required field, the date field).

Field name Applies to Value Description
Title All the exact subject, required appears as a link to the record page, or as the title of the record page
Code Topics, Blogs A character-based identifier, easy to remember, required for Blogs begins with character; then letters, digits, or underscore; CamelCase; optional for Topics; like "help" of topics/help
Filename Pictures, Document Files disk file name see Uploading Files for details; displays in picture box or preview box respectively
Directory Pictures, Document Files file repository selection see Uploading Files for details; default blank (root upload directory)
Caption All pithy and punny for insight, optional appears after the title
Location All relevant location, if applicable (like "Toronto") appears after the Caption
Source Text All except External Links Very short description of source; required if source url is specified Appears after Location
Source url All Optional complete url (including "http://") the link under Source Text
Source url External Links Complete url (including "http://") of the link displays in preview box
Date All the published date of the piece, required defaults to creation date
Is Tree Top Topics, Folders checked or unchecked when checked the container appears in its treetops list (see topic treetops or folder treetops);default unchecked; see Organizing Content for details
Sort by Topics, Folders two drop-down list selections Title or Date, Ascending or Descending; default Title Ascending
Default layout Topics, Folders drop down list of content layout options default planks
Picture icon All except Pictures Picture record number, optional used as icon in listing; picture in record page (Pictures use themselves)
Show byline All checked or unchecked when checked causes author to appear with listings and at head of record page; default unchecked
Description All a couple of sentences summarizing the context and content - up to 250 characters, optional appears with various listing, and at record page head
Embedded HTML Widgets embed HTML code offered by source displays in widget box
Body Documents, Blog Posts, Document Extracts the content, can be lengthy uses markup, see Mastering Muster Markup
About Blogs same as Body
Cover Page Topics, Folders same as Body
Commentary Pictures, Document Files, External Links, Widgets same as Body


When on a full page view of a record, various actions are made available to the user (in the form of buttons to press) as appropriate, depending on permissions and the current state of the record. Use the following table as a guide. Actions only available to administrators or moderators are shaded.

Administrators can perform any action on any record that record authors can perform. However members who are not administrators are generally limited to changing their own records (unless they are listed as collaborators of a record).

It's very common to Publish (or Request approval) after saving the final version of the record, and it's easy to forget. As a reminder, records that haven't been published have a pale pink border around them.

Mode Permission/
Action available
Available in left sidebar
if any of these buttons are pushed while the record is in edit mode, then the edit is abandoned
display view can add Add a recordtype opens a blank record
can administer Admin view reveals administration action buttons and administration tabs
admin view Display view hides action buttons and administration tabs
-- authorization actions --
published Draft changes record status back to draft (hidden except to authors and administrators)
can publish/ draft Publish publishes the record
can publish/ privatized/ draft Publishable makes available for publishing if privatization removed
is moderated/ draft Request approval requests a moderator to publish the record
can authorize/ draft Approve administrator/moderator publishes the record
can authorize/ draft Deny Approval administrator/moderator declines to publish the record
-- privatization actions --
not privatized/ can privatize Privatize hide from public view regardless of published status
privatized/ can privatize Un-Privatize allow public viewing if published
privatized/ not locked Lock Privatization disallows un-privatization - indicates importance of privatization
privatized/ locked Unlock Privatization allow un-privatization
-- editability actions --
unfrozen/ can freeze Freeze disallow entering edit mode
frozen/ can freeze Un-Freeze allow entering edit mode
-- comment actions --
comments open Close Comments disallows additional comments
comments closed Open Comments allows additional comments
Available in centre area
admin view can edit Edit changes to edit mode, exposing editable fields
can trash/ not trashed Trash flags the record as trash, making it hidden and frozen
trashed/ can edit Un-Trash flags the record as not trashed, making edit available
can delete/ trashed Delete forever administrator deletes the record (cannot be undone)
edit mode can edit Save saves changes, returns to admin view. If save fails, returns to edit mode with an error message
can edit Save and Edit saves changes, returns to edit mode. If save fails, returns to edit mode with an error message, without saving
can edit Preview shows a preview of the editable fields below the edit area, without saving changes
can edit Cancel returns to admin view without saving changes


Creating a comment is invoked with "Leave a comment" available for most records for most logged-in members. A new comment record presents only one field for entry: the wiki markup Body field.

Edit of a comment is available by clicking on the comment icon is a list.

Moderation of comments is available in the library list of comments.

Comments, when available, appear in the Comments tab of records in display view.

Administration tabs

When admin view is invoked, several administration tabs appear. The first is the basic tag for the record being administered, including an edit option (as reviewed above). The rest begin with the Notes and Collaborators tabs. Finally, Containers and Attachments tabs are available for all record types, as well as a Contents tab for the Topic and Folder record types. These last tabs as a group allow integration of the record into the database.

See the sections below for guides on these.

Remember to save any changes in the main (first) tab before moving to any of the other tabs, to preserve your work.


There are three kinds of text notes that can be kept under the Notes tab for each record:

  • Author notes - a scratchpad of notes for the author of the record, intended for the period when the record is being assembled or created, before being published
  • Moderator notes - cannot be edited by the author, but are placed there by the moderator (or administrator) particularly helpful when a request to publish has been declined
  • Followup notes - intended to hold notes for a record that has been published, but for which followup is required, such as after an event or deadline has occurred.

The Author and Followup Notes tabs have Closed checkboxes available. When these are unchecked the records show up in "Open Author Notes" and "Open Followup Notes" searches respectively. See Finding Content for details.

In addition, the Followup Notes tab has a date field available as a reminder of when the followup is required.

The Author notes area also has a field to allow the record Author to be changed to a different member (by the Administrator).

Show byline is duplicated and available for edit on the Author notes tab (from the main administration tab) for convenience.

Notes are not searched.


To add a Collaborator, enter the member's UserCode (case sensitive) in the Add collaborator field of the Collaborators tab, and click on the Add button. Collaborators have similar rights to authors, but they cannot publish or delete the record, nor add collaborators themselves.

Integrating the Record into the Website

For details about the Containers, Contents, and Attachments tabs, see Organizing Content.